HyperBBS is a HyperCard 2.2 stack that was created to increase electronic communications within local Macintosh networks. It allows the networked users to read and post text messages to a central message stack.
- A local network of Macintosh computers
- Version 2.2 or greater of either HyperCard or its Player, (the 2.2 Color Tools need not be installed)
1. Put the Msg Stack on the server or shared disk. Sharing should be setup so that everyone has [blind] read/write access to this stack.
2. Put a duplicate copy of the HyperBBS stack on each of the networked Macs. Each computer should have a copy of HyperCard 2.2 (or its Player).
3. Make sure that the time and date are correct on all the networked Macs.
4. Using the chooser, connect the networked Macs to the shared volume.
5. Double-click on the HyperBBS icon to start it. HyperBBS will not know where to find the Msg Stack at first. To open the dialog for finding the Msg Stack, hold down the option key while the stack is being loaded. If you do not change the name and location of the Msg Stack, you will only have to do this once.
How does HyperBBS work?
The HyperBBS stack (local) makes split-second calls to the remote Msg Stack over the network when copying selected messages. This design allows multiple users to read concurrently from the single Msg Stack without having to lock it.
Please send any comments, suggestions, and bug reports via internet e-mail to reschrei@uci.edu. I'd be very interested to know who is using this stack.
In order to use the Find and Print commands, you must register your copy of HyperBBS. To register, send me your address (electronic- or snail-mail) and a $15 check made payable to Bob Schreiner. In return you will receive the password as well as free future upgrades. The $15 covers the use of HyperBBS over one local network/server; another $15 registration fee is required for each additional network.
If I get enough positive feedback on this stack, I will program the next version so that users can include audio messages.